Chapter One :Chapter 1


  Rainbow Hart sat on her princess sized bed comfortably, she has a earpiece on her ear and she is chewing gum loudly, her gold and brown hair were resting on her hips,its really long and beautiful.

  Taking a glance at her,you would know she is from a very rich and reputable home,she has golden ear rings on her ears, nose and below her lips making her look like an Indian bride.

  "Good evening my lady". A maid greeted with her head bowed,she had been knocking but Rainbow is oblivious to things happening around her at the moment.

  The maid scrunched her nose annoyingly staring at the rude brat in front of her,she moved close to her and tapped her on her laps making Rainbow look up with a glare.

  "What do you want?". Rainbow asked glaring at the maid and she removed the earpiece from her ears.

  "Your friends have been outside for two hours now and they asked me to come call you again". The maid said with her head still bowed.

  Her friends came to her place two hours ago,though she went to see them the moment they came but she left after two minutes telling them she wants to take something inside the house, but she purposely left them outside cause Ivy one of her friend celebrated her brother's birthday and didn't inform her, she invited the rest of their friends and excluded her.

  Though the party was way below her class but she was so bored that particular day and seeing the pictures Ivy had posted online only made her more angry and she vowed to revenge,so revenge is what she is taking.

  "You can leave". She said to the older maid who gladly walked out.

  She came down from her bed and her figure eight shape were obviously out,any man would fall into temptation by just looking at her face not to talk of the nice shape which is the envy of almost everyone.

  ********************************************************** *****************************

  She walked to where her friends were seated,looking like they were about to burst,they can only get angry but they don't dare do anything cause she is there boss,the leader if there gang.

  "Did I keep you waiting?". She asked rhetorically.

  "Yes,you did,too much for wanting to deliver a message". Becca huffed in annoyance.

  "What you did is unfair". Ella said with an high pitched voice. Ivy on the other hand kept mute,she had an expressionless face.

  "What message did you come to deliver?". Rainbow asked ignoring there lame accusations,she rested her back on the chair she was sitting on and light a cigarette.

  "We have gotten there location". Ivy said looking dangerously beautiful.

  "That is good,we will get the stuff tonight,you girls should prepare". Rainbow said standing on her feet.


  "How much did you bring home this afternoon?". Mr Daniels asked dragging Rainbow's purse from her.

  "Please dad,don't take all the money,leave some for me". Rainbow pleaded in tears.

  "Will you keep quiet bit*ch, I don't want to hear anymore word from you there". Her step mother shouted at her.

  "This is just 500 bucks, how can I have a daughter as beautiful as you and go hungry or be broke". Mr Daniels said angrily.

  "How can you say such dad,I work hard everyday but you and step mother keep collecting everything ". She said.

  She suddenly held her burning cheek as a result of the slap her step mother gave her.

  "My husband,am thinking we should open a motel here so men can sleep with her and pay us,am sure we would be millionaires in a short period". Her step mother suggested.

  "That is a brilliant idea,and I have never thought of it,it is good to marry a wise woman, come here". Mr Daniels said kissing his wife not even minding if his daughter was there or not, Rainbow quickly ran out of the house as the two shameless adult ate themselves up.


  "Have you found her?". Tyler asked his PA with a cold voice as usual,the man remained mute.

  "I asked a question." Tyler said calmly but dangerously staring at the man through his mask,his voice alone sent chill down James

His PA's


  "Not yet voice". He replied shaking.

  "And why is that,why do you find it hard to find an ordinary girl?". He asked coldly.

  "Am sorry boss,please give us more time,I promise to see her". He said.

  "You have less than a week to find her,failure to do so...... You know what I will do to you ". Tyler said.

  "Thanks boss". He said and ran out of Tyler's office.

  "Rainbow ,am going to make sure I find you". He murmured to himself.


  What does Tyler have against Rainbow?

  What stuff is Rainbow Hart talking about?

  What do you think about Rainbow Daniels family?

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